DORA Community Blog

Testing All the Way Around the DevOps Loop
Lisa Crispin, an independent consultant, author and speaker, kicked off a community discussion on Testing.
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DORA Community of Practice: 2023 in Review
_December 31, 2023 by Amanda
The past year was a fantastic year for the DORA Community of Practice! We've seen wonderful growth, both in terms of the number of members and engagement . We had 30 lean coffee discussions, 15 community connection sessions, and over 170 discussion threads in our Google group.
Growth of the Community
The DORA community has grown exponentially over the past year. We now have over 2,300 (+300% YoY) members from all over the world, representing a wide range of industries, roles, and experience.
2023 Community Lean Coffee Discussion Topics
- Risks for DORA
- Reliability
- ROI and DORA
- A Culture of Continuous Learning
- Scaling DORA at Liberty Mutual
- Deming, DORA, and Operationalism
- Sustainability
- Minimum Viable Continuous Delivery
- Documentation is like Sunshine
- DevOps Roles
- Centralized, Role Based and Team Coordination Models
- Software Delivery Teams
- Team Topologies
- DORA Core
- 2023 DORA Report
- Code Reviews
- 2023 Documentation Findings
- Trunk-based Development
2023 Most Active Threads in the Google Group
- Question: Does Lead Time for Change should contain coding time ?
- Developer Productivity
- Delivery Lead Time: Difference of Criteria?
- What does "Deploy Frequency" really mean?
- DevOps (DORA) Culture Maturity Metrics
- Not sure if this is the place, but... metrics for QA?
- Free/Inexpensive Tool for tracking DORA metrics
- Ranking the DORA capabilities (with some help from GenAI)
- Applying DORA capabilities to safely enable GenAI code generation within the organization
- Question - doesn't deployment time makes the focus on outputs rather than outcome?
- Trunk-based development causes burnout? -- State of DevOps 2023 Discussion
- Follow Up from Forsgren: Software developers can tell you how they feel, but they don't always know what to do
2023 Inaugural Community Summit
The DORA Community Summit was held on October 2, 2023 as a pre-conference event at IT Revolution's DevOps Enterprise Summit.
The slides and [new] videos from the presentations are available now!
A special thank you to our 2023 DORA Guides & Speakers
DORA Guides
- Lisa Crispin
- Steve Fenton
- Denali Lumma
- Betsalel (Saul) Williamson
- Apostolis Apostolidis (Toli)
- Scott Aucoin
- Jared Bhatti
- Ben Deany
- Dave Farley
- Brian Finster
- Dr. Nicole Forsgren
- Michelle Irvine
- Nathen Harvey
- Amanda Lewis
- Denali Lumma
- Nikita Namjoshi
- Matthew Skelton
- Dave Stanke
- AJ Wasserman
- John Willis
DORA Community Blog
Community News, Event Recaps, and Community Shared Resources.